Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Before and After

We have started working on our yard and it is going to take a lot of work.
Here is one little corner of our front landscaping. This is pretty much how everywhere looks, even the grass is full of weeds.
And this is after working on it today:

We worked on the front last weekend. It still needs more mulch but is greatly improved.
Bill mowed and but weed killer on the lawn so hopefully that will start looking better. 
Next we tackle the back yard where some of the weeds are taller then the shrubs! (small shrubs but still.) I will definitely get before pictures back there especially since it will have a couple more weeks to grow. The boys of course love to help us. They will dump our pails of weeds, help rake and dig weeds. That is until a worm is found. Then they are too busy digging for worms to work. :)

It has been fun discovering all the new blooms in our yard for our first Spring here. Like these pink ones and little white flowers beside them.
Worked on this area today too except around the fire ant mounds. 

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